Lighthouse Youth & Family Services


Lighthouse Youth & Family Services provides a wide range of trauma-informed services to help young people and families heal and grow. Through therapy, residential treatment, foster care, emergency shelter, or housing, the organization provides personalized care and unconditional support to every young person that enters their facilities.  

To support the staff that support youth in need, Jodi Harding, Vice President and Chief Operations Officer at Lighthouse, was seeking a broader understanding of employee engagement than a point-in time annual survey could provide.

“We’ve made a concerted effort to improve employee engagement for five years,” Harding said. “We didn’t have a turnover problem. We weren’t in crisis. But we wanted a more holistic view.”


Many companies leverage anonymous, annual employee surveys as a tool to help improve employee engagement. Unfortunately, too many leadership teams believe this platform, alone, is an effective one for measuring employee satisfaction and evaluating company culture.

Harding isn’t one of those leaders. She was aware that her team may be addressing “old problems” if they were working only with an annual tool and addressing issues retroactively.

She added, “I was asking, ‘How do we get more meaningful about employee communication?’”


To get a real-time pulse of the state of employee affairs, Harding secured approval from her board of directors to deploy SigBee’s daily check-in process for Lighthouse employee use. Via a series of prompts, she gets immediate, aggregated input about employee engagement from SigBee’s on-demand dashboard.

Harding is looking forward to longitudinal data that will help her understand where her leadership team may have opportunities to impact company culture and further bolster employee engagement. She plans to highlight her discoveries in the company’s “State of the Agency” address and hopes to create a confluence between SigBee’s day-to-day input and her annual employee survey results.


SigBee is an innovative platform for employee engagement, organizational health, and effectiveness. Ours is an easy-to-use application that provides real-time data to direct supervisors and leadership so they can support their teams.

SigBee combines the science of technology with the art of human interaction, creating a powerful system for checking in with each other. We’re changing the way people show up for each other, one check-in at a time.


Health Connect America (HCA)


Arrow Child & Family Ministries